الجمعة، 4 أبريل 2008

لماذا ، كيف ، ، شنو الفرق عنهم ؟ why , how , what's the difference?

ثلاث اسئله بسيطه اسألها كل مرشح او مفتاح يحاول يقنعك بهذا المرشح او المرشحه

لماذا يرشح نفسه ؟
ما هو هدفه من الترشيح ، و اذا كان ذو خبره فى مكان ما ليش يتركه ؟


كيف يريد تحقيق ما يعدنا فيه ؟ ما هى الاجرائات التى سيقوم بها ؟ و اذا كان نائب سابق لماذا لم يقم بها من قبل ؟

شنو الفرق ؟

شنو الفرق بينك و بين المرشحين الاخريين ؟ كلهم يعدونى بنفس كلامك
ليش تعتقد انك احسن منهم ؟

على اجاباتهم ابنى قناعتك

three simple questions you should ask any canidate that pass by you

  • Why ?
why is he running , what he wish to accomplish by running , and if he was good in some place with experience why is he leaving it ? ( example he ran a good company )

  • How ?
How does he think he can accomplish what he is saying ? how will he do it ? and what will he do ?
And if he was an ex-member why didn't he do it ?

  • what's the difference?

what's the difference between him and the other candidates ? all of them are promising me the same stuff you are promising me , what you got that they lack ?

make their answer the basis of your decision

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